As artificial intelligence strengthens, our comparative advantage, and the antidote to irrelevance, is to become "Full Stack Human,” to reinvest in depth of inquiry and self-reflection, to reignite what it means to be human, to reengage the Humanities and Liberal Arts that supplement our technological future.

Full Stack Human

What are the layers of Full Stack Human?

We are a collective of thinkers, and problem solvers resolved to the relevance of humans in the era of AI.

We span the “stack,” putting the timeless disciplines back into the timely conversations.

How we view the “stack”

Science & Religion

Science and religion look at both the known, and the unknown, the frontier and touch points of logic and faith. This is the look at origins and departures, and the various ways in which the world sees these frontiers of human knowledge. Physics, chemistry, and biology lay the groundwork for our world.

Psychology & Philosophy

Study of psychology and philosophy bring together an understanding of human perspectives and motivations. These are the lenses through which human beings act and rationalize behaviors. This understanding enables a depth of appreciation for our differences, again opening the lens on empathy.

Social Sciences

Study of the social sciences, from anthropology to politics to sociology to economics, helps us refine the ways in which humans come together to form society, how they interact according to designed constraints and incentives. These are the mechanics and gears by which the world works.

History & Literature

Study of history and literature give us the lens through which to evaluate success and failure across time, and to gain exposure to different time and place. Through this opening of the aperture to time, place, and perspective, these are two of the modalities through which we can learn empathy.


At Full Stack Human we’re focused on articulating the ways in which leading companies, institutions, and individuals are helping shape Full Stack Human.

Business Group In A Meeting Room In The Office







Technology · Ethics · Design ·







Collaborative · Creative · Empathetic ·


Some of our ideas

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